Nicaragua Hydro Portal

A web portal for Nicaragua's hydrogeological data and knowledge.

Use the portal.

Put your water well in the right location.

Enjoy more sustainable water.

Open the Portal

This portal is an open platform developed by HydroLOGICA, Northwater International and Hydrata to support government, academia, NGOs, and the private sector with regards to planning, development, and management of groundwater resources.

It responds to the need for easier access to and enhanced utility of existing maps and spatial datasets. We hope to grow and develop this system to archive historical data as it is uncovered or becomes available, and retain knowledge and data from current and future activities.

Much of the existing groundwater data and knowledge for Nicaragua is difficult to access and large investments are required just to compile a basic level of knowledge and information.

As we build and develop this portal, we rely on your feedback, comments and user cases.